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Making life brighter

CrediMax, our Credit Card Centre has performed admirably over the last 11 years, to become the number one provider of premium services to credit card users throughout Bahrain.

Today, quite rightly, you, our customers expect more. So we transformed our Card Division to become a separate brand so that we could provide you with a deeper, more specialised credit offering.

Our CrediMax brand continues to be a wholly owned subsidiary. And while the basic structure of the company remains the same, new development is directed toward further improvement and expansion within and outside the local market, offering services not only to BBK, but also to other financial institutions in the Gulf and Arab region.

Our CrediMax brand offers a host of products and services including VisaCard, MasterCard, Gold Card for Classic Cards and Credinet – the Internet credit card. CrediMax offers you competitive interest rates, longest repayment period, and reasonable minimum payment terms and 24-hour customer service. Linked to the vast customer base through our e-Bank network, CrediMax is enabled to offer you its diverse services more efficiently than ever before.

For more info please call 17207207 or visit CrediMax site

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