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NRI Accounts

Brighter options for Indian nationals

  • Non Resident External Rupee Account (NRE)
    NRE Accounts can be opened in the forms of Savings, Current, Fixed and Recurring Deposits. All credits to these accounts should either come from remittance from abroad or by transfer from the existing NRE/ FCNR accounts of the same person with any bank in India. The entire credit balance in these accounts, including accrued interest can be freely transferred out of India. Please see the Interest Rate Chart for current rates of interest.


  • Non Resident Ordinary Account (NRO)
    NRO Accounts can be opened with legitimate local funds of the NRI in the forms of Savings, Fixed and Recurring Deposits. Funds in the accounts are not repatriable. However, accrued interest can be repatriated, after payment of tax at relevant rates. Interest is subject to deduction of tax at source as per the prevailing Tax laws.
    Please see the Interest Rate Chart for current rates of interest.


  • Resident Foreign Currency Account (RFC)
    Persons of Indian nationality or origin, who have returned to India on or after 18th April 1992 for permanent settlement after being resident outside India for a continuous period of one year, can open RFC accounts with BBK, Indian Branches in US Dollars. Funds from RFC account can be remitted abroad for bona fide purposes of the account holder or his/her dependants. Please see the Interest Rate Chart for current rates of interest.


  • Foreign Currency Non Resident Accounts (FCNR)
    FCNR Accounts can be opened in the form of fixed deposit in designated foreign currencies (USD, GBP, EUR, CAD & AUD) for a minimum period of 1 year up to 3 years. The entire credit balance, including accrued interest, can be repatriated outside India freely. Please see the Interest Rate Chart for current rates of interest.

For more information, please visit BBK India

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