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  • 06-12-15

    Emeriti aids hit USD47.3b throughout 44 years

    (MENAFN) The value of developmental, humanitarian and charity aid extended by the UAE for the duration of 44 years between 1971-2014 stands at USD47.3 billion, covering 21 sectors in 178 nations worldwide.

    The announcement of the value came specifically to highlight the country's efforts in providing international aid, and the initiatives of its leadership delivered through donor institutions to enhance the lives of millions of people.

    The figures released show that the largest percentage of aid is concentrated in the government and civil society sector, amounting to USD21.9 billion, followed by the public programs support with an overall of USD6.1 billion in aid.

    Additionally, the Asian continent was the main beneficiary of support and aid money provided over the past 44 years, with a total exceeding USD21.7 billion, followed by Africa with a total touching USD20.5 billion.

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